About International Retainer Day
A retainer is a custom-made orthodontic device designed to hold the teeth firmly in place during the realignment treatment. When treatment is completed, the gaps are closed and the teeth remain fixed.
The first modern orthodontic retainer was invented by American orthodontist Charles A. Hawley in the early 20th century. It consists of an adjustable metal wire anchored in an acrylic baseplate.
The celebration of International Retainer Day was initiated by Vivera Retainers, a brand of clear retainers from the providers of Invisalign orthodontic treatment, in 2021. The main goals of the observance are to dispel the stigma surrounding braces and retainers that still exists despite the immense benefits of orthodontic devices, to encourage people to get orthodontic treatment, and to highlight the importance of wearing a retainer afterwards.
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