About National Birth Mother’s Day
Created and founded in 1990 by women who had formed adoption plans for their children, the first gathering for Birth Mother’s Day was celebrated in Seattle, Washington on the Saturday before Mother’s Day, which that year was on May 12th.
The intent of the day, as created by women who knew what it was to place a baby for adoption, was to honor and support each other as the world around them prepared to celebrate the women who were parenting their children. While bittersweet in origin, just as the nature of adoption has changed over the years, the observance of Birth Mother’s Day is also changing. Families who are parenting a child or children through adoption understand that it is important to acknowledge those who helped to form their family even if they are not present in their day to day lives.
To not recognize an adopted child’s Birth Mother makes disingenuous the celebration of the Adoptive Mother. So, while the initial observances of Birth Mother’s Day focused on reflection and commiseration, the day is progressing into one that allows others who are touched by adoption the opportunity to recognize the person who plays the key role in the adoption.
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