About Dante Day
The Italian poet Dante Alighieri, died in exile, ostracized. Now, 700 years after his death, his country honors him with a national holiday called Dante Day.
Dante is best known for the narrative poem Divine Comedy, which lyricized an imagined afterlife both in heaven and hell. To explain the belated tribute, Art Daily quotes Italian president Sergio Mattarella speaking to the poet’s ongoing relevance and the “universality” of the Divine Comedy. The poem attracts us because it’s about us, he said.
As a government-ordered holiday, Dante Day will be observed each year on March 25th, when the Divine Comedy was started in 1300. As Italy’s Culture Minister Dario Franceschini told Italy Magazine, “It will be a day to remember Dante’s genius.” The day will include students and teachers throughout the land reading his work.
As part of the celebration Roberto Benigni, Academy Award star of the 1997 film “Life is Beautiful,” recited a portion of the Divine Comedy - the 25th canto in which Dante hopes his work would “overcome the cruelty” of his banishment. Clearly, his wish came true. The headline in Italy Magazine tells the story: “Italy Establishes National Dante Day.”