About Feed the Birds Day
Feed the Birds Day was created by Bob Matthews of Rochester, NY in 2016. It is a day that is vitally needed and could save the lives of many backyard birds.
This day is celebrated in early February, during the deepest and coldest part of winter. It is the time of year when food is the scarcest. This is the time your backyard birds need your help the most. The seeds in your feeder provide energy and strength, to help birds make it through the rest of winter.
At this time of year, the RSPB advise to put out food and water on a regular basis. In severe weather, feed twice daily if you can: in the morning and in the early afternoon.
Birds require high-energy (high-fat) foods during the cold winter weather to maintain their fat reserves to survive the frosty nights. Use only good-quality food and scraps.
Always adjust the quantity given to the demand, and never allow uneaten foods to accumulate around the feeders. Once you establish a feeding routine, try not to change it as the birds will become used to it and time their visits to your garden accordingly.
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