About Celebrate Bi-sexuality Day
Celebrate Bisexuality Day (also called Bisexual Pride Day, Bi Visibility Day, CBD, Bisexual Pride and Bi Visibility Day, and Bisexuality+ Day) is observed annually on September 23rd each year.
The observance is intended to recognize and celebrate bisexual people, the bisexual community, and the history of bisexuality.
On September 18th 2012, Berkeley, California, became what is thought to be the first city in the U.S. to officially proclaim a day recognizing bisexuals. The Berkeley City Council unanimously and without discussion declared September 23rd as Bisexual Pride and Bi Visibility Day.
In 2013, on Celebrate Bisexuality Day, the White House held a closed-door meeting with almost 30 bisexual advocates so they could meet with government officials and discuss issues of specific importance to the bisexual community; this was the first bi-specific event ever hosted by any White House.
Bisexuals have been part of the modern Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights and Liberation Movement since at least the mid-1960s. For a variety of reasons bisexuals have also organized separately while continuing to be active in gay, lesbian and other progressive movements.
Throughout the 1970s while popular press articles focused on "bisexual chic" in the club scene and among celebrities such as Elton John, David Bowie and Patti Smith, bisexual groups formed in several large US cities signaling the birth of the modern Bisexual Civil Rights and Liberation Movement.
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